Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Diane, How fortunate we were to move into the house next to you and Micheal in Ocala. The first time I saw Micheal in the driveway, he invited us to dinner. We shared wine after the hurricane while waiting for the electricity to come back on. We enjoyed so many laughs with the two of you while playing five crowns and passing the crown around to the winner. Ben enjoyed hitting balls with Micheal and sharing a beer on our front porch. And I so relished Micheal’s famous brownies that he made every time we got together.
But most of all we enjoyed the friendship of two generous, fun, loving people. You married a gem, who so openly expressed his love for you...his queen, his children, grandchildren and mother.
We will always remember Micheal for all of these things...what a wonderful man! Sending prayers and love, Barbara and Ben