Sunday, January 3, 2021
Uncle Bill was such a pillar in our extended family. He was always so kind, loving, light hearted and joyful in everything that he did. He was very precise, and very careful in everything that he did because he was so very thoughtful. He truly cared about everyone he came into contact with, and his laughter not only lit up the room, but made every gathering a true party. I am so sad that I was not able to see Uncle BIll at least one more time since we all last gathered at Montauk. I am going to miss him tremendously...Sending love and prayers to all of you...and may you feel at least some comfort knowing that Uncle Bill is now with Grandpa Al, Grandma Marian, my Dad (Uncle Mike), and sweet Shane. XOXOXOXOX We love you all, Cathleen Prisco Gouveia