Tuesday, May 20, 2014
One morning while a fellow co-worker and myself were at break, Bob thought that he would pull a trick on us by drawing smiley faces on our safety glasses. Well, that set the wheels in motion as to how we could get him back beings Bob was SO clever. But much to my surprise, my fellow co-worker was quite resourceful and had a plan.
We knew that Bob would get his morning cup of coffee and leave it in the break room for a few minutes giving it time to cool down. So my friend decided that she would put SALT in his coffee and hide around the corner to capture his reaction. WHAT A FACE! He spit it out immediately, but being the kind of man that we all knew he was-he knew exactly who the guilty parties were. Alot of our fellow co-workers had rallied around us to see Bob's reaction as well. What a laugh when we all witness his reaction! I DON'T THINK BOB LIKED SALT- at least not in his coffee.
This is just one of many stories that I could share with you. Your Dad was a very special guy to so many of us. He had a mischievous side to him, but also a very caring and loving side as well. Always there to help, no matter what. He was definitely a man with a BIG and HAPPY HEART.
Thanks for sharing your Dad with us for so many years. To know him, was to love him. God's blessings to all.
Thanks for the memories,
Bonnie Frazier (co-worker/ Patty Holland)