Tuesday, May 10, 2016
To Andrew and Bernadette, Susan, Bradley, Jeffery, Jennifer and family,
Pastor Sara Baron is in Washington State attending the General Conference of the United Methodist Church ... thus I am filling in for her.
We are saddened by Kenneth's death, but deeply glad as we celebrate with you his long, productive and generous life. Kenneth is fondly remembered, as is Jean, by several at First United Methodist Church.
We celebrate Kenneth's visions for his and others' well being, the inspirations he followed, the love he shared, the joy which he offered, and the care which you and we all knew so well.
We honor the objectives he set before himself, the aspirations fulfilled, the achievements realized, the blessings offered and received.
Many remember the warm and generous life you shared at First UMC.
The world is a better place, and more specifically we are blessed, because Kenneth gave his best to and for all.
We hold you, his family, in our love and care. We affirm that you are all within the care of the One who cares more than all others together.
Your friends at First United Methodist Church, Schenectady, NY