Sunday, August 28, 2016
Dear Mrs. DeWitt,
Our deepest condolences go out to you and your family with the loss of your good husband. May he be in perfect peace and surrounded by love forever. Mark and I would often see Bill at daily Mass at St. Joseph's and then more recently at St. John's late Sunday Mass. He was always such a sweet, kind man. We're especially grateful for all the gracious hospitality your whole family has bestowed upon Mary all these years. Your love to her was and is a priceless gift. She loves you all so much. You've always been so thoughtful and kind to us too. . . . remembering us in our joys (I still have the tray you gave us for our wedding on display) and in our sorrows (with a generous gift in honor of our sweet Caitlyn). May God comfort you and meet all your needs in this time of sadness and deep loss.
With love, Mark and Pat