Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Spirited and energetic, with an easy and full laugh -- that is how I will always remember Annette. I will always remember how Annette was a center of warmth and love for her family and so proud of every single member of her family whom she spoke of constantly with awe and tenderness. Most recently, she was so proud of Michael and Julia and their college pursuits. She was a woman who said the word, yes, many more times than the word, no, and was always game for anything. But, most of all, Annette was one of those few people you meet who had an internal moral compass ticking away all the time ... or maybe I should say, a kindness compass ticking away. Our family was so very fortunate to be in her circle of love and kindness that radiated far and wide and we will never forget Annette. We will always have our memories of: Cheerios, Elf Cookies, surprising birthday visits for our young son, Halloween visits, Christmas card pilgrimages, hot tea and warm bread conversations, and most dearly remembered ... hand holding in tough times. You will be missed dear friend, Your heartbeat goes on in Terry, Jennifer and Gene, Christine and Tommy, and Michael and Julia ... and all who you touched will keep you close in their hearts.