Thursday, March 7, 2013
Dear Donna, Kyle, Rachel, Wyatt, Georgie, Michelle, My prayers are with you, this past week my memories have been about Paulie, his real young years when Georgie would come up to the house on hot summer days and we spent the day in the pool with Donna, Robin & Paulie, or when Ann and Mary would visit and have Paulie with them, Donna, Robin and Paulie would be running around and finally Mary would sit on the sofa and take a book and start reading to them, that lasted about 5 minutes with Robin and Paulie, Donna would be the only one sitting and listening. And the halloweens trick or treat nites and then we would have Robins birthday cake, until she started school she would tell everyone her birthday was on Halloween, instead of Nov.1. Paulie is now with all our family that we have lost watching over us. I love you all. God Bless. Love Aunt Marlene